Oriental carpets
how they are made and conveyed to Europe with a narrative of a journey to the East in search of them.
London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1884.
Erklärende Notizen zu einer Reihenfolge bildlicher Darstellungen der Villa Mylius zu Loveno am Comer See und der benachbarten Gegend.
Von einem vieljährigen Freunde der Familie Mylius entworfen.
Milan, Joseph Bernardoni, 1852.
A View of Ancient History;
including the progress of literature and the fine arts.
For the Author, London, 1788.
A Series of Designs of Furniture & Decoration in the Style of Louis XIVth, Francis I, Elizabeth and Gothic.
William Pickering, [1845].
Fondements d'une théorie générale des ensembles [WITH:] Sur divers théorémes de la théorie des ensembles de points situés dans un espace continu à n dimensions
Contained Acta Mathematica 2:4. along with 5 other papers by Cantor.
Stockholm, Beijer, 1883
Mémoire sur les intégrales définies prises entre des limites imaginaires.
Paris, Chez de Bure Frères, 1825.
Feuilles d’analyse appliquée a la Géométrie ...
Paris, Badouin, An 9 [1801]
A sketch of the origin and progress of steam navigation
from authentic documents.
London, Taylor, Walton, and Maberly, 1848.
Tractatus politico-juridicus...
Tractatus politico-juridicus de jure mercatorum et commerciorum singulari
Frankfurt, Thomas Matthias Gotzius, 1662
The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq.
London, Jacob Tonson, 1721.