Lot 11
Considerations on India affairs;
particularly respecting the present state of Bengal and its dependencies. With a map of those countries, chiefly from actual surveys. London, printed for J.Almon, 1772
Lot 12
Relation du voyage de M. Evert Isbrand,
Sold: £492
envoyé de Sa Majesté Czarienne a l'empereur de la Chine, en 1692, 93, & 94. Par le sieur Adam Brand. Avec une lettre de monsieur ***, sur l'etat présent de la Moscovie. Amsterdam, Chez Jean-Louis de Lorme, 1699
Lot 13
A comparative view of the form and character of the English racer and saddle-horse during the last and present centuries.
Sold: £738
Thomas Hookham, London, 1836
Lot 14
Fondements d'une théorie générale des ensembles [WITH:] Sur divers théorémes de la théorie des ensembles de points situés dans un espace continu à n dimensions
Contained Acta Mathematica 2:4. along with 5 other papers by Cantor. Stockholm, Beijer, 1883
Lot 15
Mémoire sur les intégrales définies prises entre des limites imaginaires.
Paris, Chez de Bure Frères, 1825
Lot 16
CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER, Marie Gabriel August Florent.
Voyage pittoresque de la Grece.
Sold: £5166
Paris, [J.J. Blaise], 1782-1809-1824.
Lot 17
Relation des deux rebellions
arrivees a Constantinople en MDCCXXX et XXXI, dans la deposition d'Achmet III. et l'elevation au trone de Mahomet V: Composee sur des memoires originaux recus de Constantinople. Jean Neaulme, The Hague, 1737
Lot 18
Coryat's Crudities;
reprinted from the edition of 1611. To which are now added, his letters from India, &c. and extracts relating to him, from various authors: being a more particular account of his travels (mostly on foot) in different parts of the globe, than any hitherto published. Together with his orations, character, death, &c. ... London, printed for W. Cater; Samuel Hayes; J. Wilkie; and E. Easton, at Salisbury. 1776
Lot 19
Oriental carpets
how they are made and conveyed to Europe with a narrative of a journey to the East in search of them. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1884
Lot 20
Origines Gentium Antiquissimæ;
or, attempts for discovering the times of the first planting of nations. In several tracts. By the Rt. Revd. R. Cumberland ... Publish'd from his Lordship's manuscript by S. Payne ... London, Printed by W.B. for R. Wilkin, 1724