Lot 32
FORSTER, Georg; Johann Reinhold FORSTER.
A Voyage round the World,
£4500 - £5500
in His Britannic Majesty's sloop, Resolution. [with] Observations made during a Voyage round the World, on physical Geography, natural History and ethic Philosophy. London, I. B. White, J. Robson, P. Elmsly, and G. Robinson; II. G. Robinson 1777 & 1778.
Lot 69
A Voyage round the World by Way of the Great South Sea,
£1800 - £2200
perform'd in the Years 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, in the Speedwell of London ... till she was cast away on the Island of Juan Fernandes in May 1720; and afterwards continu'd in the Recovery, the Jesus Maria and Sacra Familia, &c. London, J. Senex, 1726