Lot 14
Fondements d'une théorie générale des ensembles [WITH:] Sur divers théorémes de la théorie des ensembles de points situés dans un espace continu à n dimensions
Contained Acta Mathematica 2:4. along with 5 other papers by Cantor. Stockholm, Beijer, 1883
Lot 15
Mémoire sur les intégrales définies prises entre des limites imaginaires.
Paris, Chez de Bure Frères, 1825
Lot 40
The Climate of London,
Sold: £319.80
Deduced from Meteorological Observations, made in the Metropolis, and at Various Places Around it. A Second, Much Enlarged and Improved Edition London, Harvey and Darton, and others, 1833
Lot 41
Essay on the Modification of Clouds.
Sold: £295.20
London, John Churchill and Sons, 1865
Lot 42
Papers on Meteorology,
Sold: £196.80
Relating especially to the Climate of Britain, and to the Variations of the Barometer, Communicated to the Royal Society at Various Periods from 1821 to 1845. Being Part I. of the Appendix to Barometrographia. London, Richard and John E. Taylor, 1850-54.
Lot 52
Feuilles d'analyse appliquée a la Géométrie ...
Paris, Badouin, An 9 [1801]