Birds depicted: Pipra Militaris, Pipra Serena, Pipra Setifera and Pipra Galeata.
Descourtilz worked for the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro. He was the son of French adventurer, botanist and naturalist Michel Etienne Descourtilz. The only other work that Descourtilz was known to have illustrated was his father’s work Flore Pittoresque et Médicale des Antilles .
68-87562. 68. Descourtilz, Ornithologie Bresilienne: Pipra Militaris, Pipra Serena, Pipra Setifera, Pipra Galeata
Jean Theodore Descourtilz, Ornithologie Bresilienne: Pipra Militaris, Pipra Serena, Pipra Setifera, Pipra Galeata. Chromolithograph, from Histoire des Oiseaux du Brésil, c.1852-56..
Chromolithgraph plate printed in colour and finished by hand.
Overall sheet size: 606mm by 430mm.